Is your website
Out Of Office Proof?

As creative service providers, rest & play need to be a core part of our business, so that we can show up as our most creative & fulfilled selves for our clients. The question is... Is your website built to speak & nurture clients for you while you're offline?

I'm so not about

Toxic hustle culture
boring websites
long & drawn out processes
ignoring what your heart needs
following the status quo
icky business practices

When I'm OOO, I'm

When I'm offline, you can find me

Doing house projects
kayaking at the lake
painting & gardening
planning a road trip
reading self-help books
making a charcuterie board with a glass of wine

Daily Rituals

Daily Rituals

Pulling a perfect espresso shot + making some horrible latte art
cuddles with my puppy & hubby
grounding outside
reaffirming what my personal feel-good business looks like

I'm all about